What Time is It? Dentist Time! Get Your Checkup Before Summer Vacation

May 6, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — sounddentist @ 3:42 pm
Woman sitting on her suitcase to close it

The sun stays up for longer, the last spring showers are on their way out, and kids are getting excited. You know what that means – it’s vacation season! Soon you’ll be sampling food trucks on the boardwalk and collecting seashells by the seashore.

Now slow down a minute, before your imagination runs away with you. You know you’ll have to pack and make overnight arrangements, but have you thought about stopping by your dentist for a checkup? It might not even be on your to-do list. However, there are a few reasons you’ll want to plan a visit before takeoff.

Prevent Dental Emergencies from Ruining Your Fun

The last thing you want is to encounter a severe toothache while on summer vacation. Either you’ll have to seek treatment and potentially miss out while recovering or ignore it – which could make the pain and the problem worse!

Your dentist has a keen eye for these things. During your checkup, they’ll watch out for early signs of tooth decay and gum disease. If a dental issue has snuck up on you, you’ll be glad you took care of it before hitting the beach!

Start Your Vacation with a Fresh Cleaning

Your checkup will also involve a professional cleaning. What better way to kick off the summer than to start with that minty-fresh feeling and a polished smile? Plus, you’ll be taking plenty of photos. With a cleaning, you can put your best smile forward and say “cheese!” with confidence.

Complete Your Dental Checklist and Hunker Down for Winter

Summer is synonymous with fun and activity because winter is brutal! After your checkup and cleaning, you’ll have a chance to schedule your next appointment. Now’s the time to book a slot for a month that won’t dump eight inches of snow onto your driveway.

Once you check “make second dental appointment of the year” off your to-do list, you can leave for summer vacation without a care in the world. When you get back, you’ll have another refreshing cleaning waiting to prepare you for hibernation.

We look forward to summer vacation because it’s a well-deserved break from our daily routines. But this is exactly why you should get your chores out of the way before you leave. In your rush to get everything ready, don’t forget to visit your dentist! They’ll take care of your oral health and make sure you have a picture-perfect smile. Don’t worry – the clock won’t stop ticking towards summer just because you scheduled a checkup.

About the Practice

Our team at Sound Dentistry is known for stellar hospitality and quality care! We’re excited for summer too and understand that fitting in a checkup before your vacation might be the last thing on your mind. Give us a call at 508-996-6777. Dr. Kitsos, our general dentist, will make sure your teeth are just as ready as you are for some fun in the sun!

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