The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is what attaches the lower jaw to the rest of the skull. When the TMJ isn’t functioning properly, you may experience a tremendous amount of pain, and you might not even be able to move your mouth properly. We can examine your jaw and check for signs of a TMJ disorder, and we can follow up by offering multiple solutions for stopping your pain and helping the joint recover. Call us today to schedule a consultation to discuss TMJ therapy in New Bedford, MA.
Why Choose Sound Dentistry for TMJ Therapy?
- Technology-Driven Dental Office
- Fully Customized Occlusal Splints
- Outstanding, Friendly Dental Team
Diagnosis & Treatment
When we suspect that you have a TMJ disorder, we’ll discuss your symptoms and examine your jaw. Persistent jaw pain, lockjaw, aching pain in or around the ear, difficulty chewing, and a clicking sound whenever you move your mouth are all potential warning signs of a TMJ disorder. X-rays and other scans might be needed for us to narrow down the source of the problem. Once a diagnosis has been made, we can discuss different forms of TMJ treatment based on the underlying issues that are contributing to the problem.
Occlusal Splints
A misaligned jaw puts an undue amount of pressure on the TMJ. An occlusal splint can be used to relieve some of this pressure by helping the jaw find a better resting position. After about three months of therapy or so, the jaw should be able to settle into this new resting position on its own; some patients will need to keep wearing their appliance continually, however. As a side benefit, occlusal splints can also help prevent the teeth from grinding together, which is a harmful side effect of many TMJ disorders.
Equilibration/ Occlusal Adjustments
Sometimes the way the teeth come together is in conflict with the jaw’s natural resting position. As a result, certain teeth will have an excessive amount of pressure placed on them, leading to TMJ pain. During equilibration, we locate the spots where the teeth don’t come together correctly and perform minor adjustments as needed. This means removing small amounts of enamel until the teeth meet evenly and smoothly in every spot around your entire mouth.